Effects of Initial Temperatures on Induced Turbulence Combustion Characteristics of Pre Mixed Hydrogen-Air
关键词:氢气  诱导湍流  初始温度  燃烧特性  纹影
Key Words:hydrogen  induced turbulence  initial temperature  combustion characteristics  schlieren
刘福水,康月,张小玉,吴晗 1.北京理工大学 机械与车辆学院北京 1000812.北京电动车辆协同创新中心北京 100081 
摘要点击次数: 2700
全文下载次数: 1966
Abstract:The turbulence combustion was induced by arranginga orifice plate on the flame propagation path. The effect of initial temperature on induced turbulence combustion characteristics of pre mixture hydrogen air was studied by the high speed schlieren photograph system and pressure data acquisition system. The experimental results show that the flame spreads down slightly before the flame passes through the orifice plate, and then is induced into turbulent combustion which accelerates the flame development maximum pressure rise rate decrease in advance, and the change rate of the combustion duration reduces after the addition of the orifice plate, but there is no significant difference in the flame propagation speed after the flame passes through the orifice plate.
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