A New Method of IC Engine Power Monitoring Based on the Harmonic Amplitude Characteristic of Crankshaft Torsional Vibration
关键词:内燃机  功率监测  角振动  谐次幅值  往复惯性力
Key Words:IC engine  power monitoring  angular vibration  harmonic amplitude  reciprocating inertial force
苏杰,孙梅云,董大伟,闫兵,华春蓉,汪自强 1.西南交通大学 机械工程学院成都 6100312.中车唐山机车车辆有限公司唐山 064000 
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Abstract:Based on the engine dynamics and the relationship between the harmonic angular vibration at arbitrary crankshaft measuring points of a multi-cylinder engine and the harmonic torque of each cylinder, the correlation between the angular vibration response at the crankshaft measuring point and the engine power was derived, and an on-line measurement of engine power was developed based on the harmonic amplitude of crankshaft angular vibration. Moreover, according to the principle of linear superposition, the influence of the gas exciting moment and reciprocating inertia moment of a heavy duty engine on the characteristic order amplitude of angular vibration at the crankshaft measuring point was compared under different working media. The correctness of the proposed theory is proved by the characteristic order amplitude curve through the experimental study and simulation of a gas engine and a diesel engine, respectively. When using the characteristic order amplitude of the torsional angular displacement at the crankshaft, measuring point to calculate the actual operating power of the engine, the maximum deviation is 3.5%.
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