Research on Self Adaptive Characteristic of Piston Motion of Hydraulic Free Piston Engine
关键词:液压自由活塞发动机(HFPE)  活塞运动规律  压缩比  燃烧相位  均质压燃(HCCI)
Key Words:hydraulic free piston engine(HFPE)  piston motion  compression ratio  combustion phase  homogeneous charge compression ignition
刘宇,汪洋,田相龙,耿鹤鸣,甄旭东,胡耀辉 1.天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津 300072 2.天津职业技术师范大学 汽车与交通学院天津 300222 
摘要点击次数: 3021
全文下载次数: 1828
Abstract:The test on the piston motion of a hydraulic free piston engine prototype was carried out. The result shows that the piston motion and compression ratio are self-adaptive to the variation of the combustion phase and aggregated heat release. The piston reversion is advanced and the maximum movement of the piston and the compression ratio are reduced with the advance of the combustion phase or the increase of aggregated heat release. This self-adaptive characteristic can effectively avoid the post-combustion and detonation phenomenon in homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion process, thus ensuring the stability of the maximum cylinder pressure and the maximum heat release rate, and reducing indicated work loss.
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