Dynamic Identification of Transient Fuel Film Parameters of Gasoline Engines Based on ACO Initialized Wavelet Networks
关键词:汽油机  油膜参数  小波网络  蚁群算法  瞬态工况  辨识
Key Words:gasoline engine  fuel film parameter  wavelet network  ant colony optimization(ACO)  instantaneous condition  identification
宋丹丹,李岳林,解福泉 1.长沙理工大学 汽车与机械工程学院,长沙 4100762.河南交通职业技术学院 汽车学院,郑州 450005 
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Abstract:A transient fuel film identification model for gasoline engines was built based on wavelet networks. The ant colony optimization (ACO) was used to initialize wavelet networks parameters as the initial values for the model so as to improve its convergence and precision. Transient air-fuel ratio was tested with this model, simulated with experimental data and compared with the actual air-fuel ratio. Results show that the model initialized with the ACO can effectively and precisely identify the transient fuel film with faster convergence and better generalization. Therefore, such model establishes a foundation for accurate control of transient air-fuel ratio of gasoline engines.
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