Development and Application of Vermicular Graphite Cast Iron RuT400 for Engines
关键词:内燃机  蠕墨铸铁  发动机材料  氮化硼  自润滑
Key Words:vermicular graphite cast iron  engine material  BN  self-lubrication
林勇传,黄健友,谢正良,韦珏宇 1.广西大学 机械工程学院,南宁 5300042.玉柴工程研究院,南宁 530012 
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Abstract:In order to solve the processing difficulty of a new vermicular graphite cast iron RuT400 used in engines, the addition experiment of micro boron nitride(BN) on vermicular graphite cast iron was carried out, and the microstructure and mechanical properties of graphite cast iron were analyzed by means of metallographic test, tensile test, hardness test and friction test. Experimental results show that BN has no influence on the morphology and content of graphite, pearlite and ferrite, and has little effect on the tensile 〖JP2〗strength and hardness, but has a great influence on the friction properties. When the content of BN is 0.0144%, the wearing resistance is the best. BN can effectively reduce the surface roughness of vermicular graphite cast iron in turning, and it would make the process more stable. Therefore, it is feasible to improve the process ability by adding micro BN to produce self lubrication function without affecting the mechanical properties of vermicular graphite cast iron.
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