Effect of Ceramic Fiber Reinforced Al Alloy Matrix Composite on Piston Pin Bore
关键词:正交试验  陶瓷纤维  复合材料  活塞销座  耦合应力
Key Words:orthogonal test  ceramic fiber  composite material  piston pin bore  coupling stress
苏茂蔚,刘世英,刘延栋 山东理工大学 交通与车辆工程学院,淄博 255049 
摘要点击次数: 2418
全文下载次数: 1629
Abstract:In order to avoid copper bushing shedding and reduce the maximum stress on the surface of a piston pin bore, nine groups of experiments and a comparison scheme of inserted copper bushing were designed by using orthogonal experiment method L9(34). A piston was simulated by using the ANSYS, and an optimal solution to the thermal and mechanical loads of the piston was obtained by using the range analysis. The results show that the three factors which affect the thermo mechanical stress of the piston pin bore are ranked according to their importance: the pin bore profile equation coming first, the clearance between the pin bore and the piston pin next, and the thickness of the reinforcing material last. The optimal solution makes the coupled stress on the piston pin bore surface reduce up to 28.8%, the piston bore temperature increase by 3% to 4%, and the piston coupled deformation decrease by 2.9% to 3.8%.
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