Research on SCR Exhaust Flow Model Application
关键词:SCR控制策略  排气流量模型  脉谱控制模式  WHTC循环试验  氨泄漏
Key Words:SCR control strategy  exhaust flow model  MAP control mode  WHTC test  ammonia leak
郑贵聪,陆国栋 杭州银轮科技有限公司,杭州 310013 
摘要点击次数: 2401
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摘要:针对重型柴油机选择性催化还原(SCR)控制系统,基于质量和能量守恒,推导出SCR策略中的排气流量数学表达公式,并应用开发软件D2P MotoHawk建立排气流量模型,通过发动机稳态工况和瞬态工况试验对比排气流量模型计算结果、脉谱控制插值结果与实际排气流量结果。结果表明,稳态过程中排气流量模型计算值与发动机台架测量值最大误差为5%,而脉谱控制模式脉谱插值的排气流量与发动机台架排气流量计测量值最大误差为10%;1000r/min瞬态加载过程中排气流量计算模型的精度更高,与实际排气流量相比误差在8%以内,而脉谱插值的误差高达18%,WHTC排放循环在满足排放法规的前提下,应用模型控制氨泄漏大幅度降低(50%),平均值仅为8×10-6,尿素喷射总量也降低了2%。
Abstract:For the SCR control system for heavy duty engines, an exhaust flow mathematical formula for the SCR strategy was deduced based on the theory of mass and energy conservation, and an exhaust flow model was established with the software D2P MotoHawk. Then, steady state and transient engine tests were carried out to verify the model. The results show that in steady state the maximum deviation of the model calculated exhaust flow is 5%, while that of the MAP control is 10%. In the transient state at 1000 r/min the model calculated exhaust flow value has higher precision, and the deviation is within 8%, while that of the MAP control is as high as 18%. Based on the WHTC test, while meeting the emissions regulation, the application of the model greatly reduces ammonia leak by 50% with the average value of only 8×10-6 and also reduces the amount of urea injection by 2%.
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