Numerical Study on Effects of Fuel Properties and Injection Strategies on Performance and Emissions of a Marine Diesel Engine
关键词:燃油性质  船用柴油机  喷油策略  排放  数值模拟
Key Words:fuel property  marine diesel engine  injection strategy  emissions  numerical study
邹宪,郑尊清,王浒,张慧祥,邹泽宇,尧命发 天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室,天津 300072 
摘要点击次数: 2881
全文下载次数: 1761
Abstract:The effects of fuel properties and different injection strategies on the performance and emissions of a marine diesel engine were investigated by using computational fluid dynamics(CFD) simulations. The results show that no matter what kind of fuel is used, heavy or light diesel fuel, the sequential injection, pilot-injection and post-injection all have potential in reducing NOx emission and fuel consumption simultaneously. The lowest fuel consumption can be obtained using the sequential injection strategy with Seq4(the injection interval between two injectors being 4°). Lower fuel consumption and lower NOx emission can be easily realized by using the pilot-injection of large proportion and small proportion respectively with proper injection interval between the main-injection and pre-injection. Fuel consumption cannot be significantly reduced using the post-injection strategy, and fuel consumption rises with the increases in the injection interval between the main-injection and post injection, and in post-injection quantity.
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