Construction and Verification of Simplified Mechanism of a Biodiesel Substitution
关键词:生物柴油  替代混合物  简化机理  化学动力学
Key Words:biodiesel   blended substitution  simplified mechanism  chemical kinetic
马龙,姜水生,谢宗让 南昌大学 机电工程学院,南昌 330031 
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摘要:选取MD9D、癸酸甲酯(MD)和正庚烷三组分作为生物柴油替代混合物,建立详细化学动力学反应机理。在此基础上,通过误差传递直接关系图法(DRGEP)、同分异构体简化法(Isomer Lumping)、基于DRGEP敏感性分析法3种简化方法耦合的方式对详细化学动力学反应机理进行简化,构建一个简化机理,利用CHEMKIN-PRO软件对简化机理进行模拟计算,并与试验结果进行对比分析。结果表明:简化机理对生物柴油燃烧过程中着火延迟期和重要中间产物CO、CO2、CH4、C2H4、C3H6等有较好的预测能力;在750~900 K的低温阶段能再现生物柴油燃烧过程中的负温度系数现象,并且能够在低温燃烧时预测早期CO2的生成。
Abstract:Methyl decanoate, methyl-9-decenoate and n-heptane were selected as a biodiesel substitution of multiple components. The detailed chemical kinetics mechanism of the substitution was established. Based on that, a simplified chemical kinetics mechanism was developed by using three methods: DRGEP, isomer lumping and sensitivity analysis option in DRGEP. The CHEMKIN-PRO software was applied to analog computation of the simplified mechanism. The results show that the simplified mechanism passes its validity test and has a good ability to predicate ignition delay and intermediate products such as CO,CO2,CH4,C2H4,C3H6 during biodiesel combustion process. Meanwhile, it can again appear the negative temperature coefficient and predicate the production of early CO2  in low temperature combustion.
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