Fluid Solid Interaction Heat Transfer Analysis of Cylinder Head in Consideration of Boiling and In Cylinder Local Heat Transfer
关键词:柴油机  缸盖  缸内局部传热  沸腾传热  流固耦合
Key Words:diesel engine  cylinder head  in cylinder local heat transfer  boiling heat transfer  fluid structure interaction
刘晓日,黎明,郑清平,黎苏,李国祥 1.河北工业大学 能源与环境工程学院天津 3004012.山东大学 能源与动力工程学院济南 250061 
摘要点击次数: 2390
全文下载次数: 1769
Abstract:Based on the gas-side local heat transfer boundary conditions of cylinder head and cylinder liner obtained by the in-cylinder heat transfer model and the water-side heat transfer boundary conditions obtained by the homogeneous flow boiling heat transfer model, a heat transfer calculation of the structural temperature field coupled with the gas side and water side boundary conditions was carried out on an in line 6 cylinder diesel engine for commerical vehicles, and the state of boiling heat transfer in cylinder head water channel was evaluated. Results show that the simulation results of the cylinder head temperature are in good agreement with the measured values. The maximum cylinder head temperature is located at the bridge zone between two exhaust valves on the cylinder head fire deck. The gas heat transfer coefficient and gas temperature between the exhaust valves are at a high value, while the in cylinder local heat transfer is significant. The cooling water at the center of the cylinder head fire deck and in the water channel near the exhaust valve is in a state of partially developed nucleate boiling.
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