Optimization of Emissions Control Parameters for LPG Engine under Practical Road Conditions
关键词:LPG发动机  实际工况  排放  控制参数  多目标优化
Key Words:LPG engine  practical condition  emissions  control parameter  multi objective optimization
基金项目:广东省交通厅科技项目(201104008) Department of Communications of Guangdong Province Science and Technology Project(201104008)
张忠波,李礼夫 华南理工大学 机械与汽车工程学院广州 510641 
摘要点击次数: 3443
全文下载次数: 1851
Abstract:To reduce emissions of LPG engines in practical conditions, a typical LPG engine used for Guangzhou bus was taken as the research object and its emission characteristics were studied through a bench test system considering practical road conditions. With the relationship among engine emissions, emission control parameters and emission characteristics as a basis and by design of experiments (DoE), a statistics mathematical model of the engine was established, with which main emission control parameters were optimized combining with multi objective optimization. The control parameters before and after optimization were input into the one-dimensional simulation model of the LPG engine to carry out engine performance simulation. The results show that after the optimization of the main control parameters, the HC and CO from the engine under experimental conditions are accumulatively reduced by 9.5% and 21.0% respectively and the maximum increase in torque is by 22.6%, but the accumulated emission of NO is increased by 2.7%.
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