Optimization of Key Parameters of Scavenging System for Linear Engines
关键词:直线发动机  换气系统  GT-Power  模拟优化
Key Words:linear engine  scavenging system  GT-Power  simulation optimization
基金项目:上海市科技技术委员会科研计划项目(14DZ1202802) Scientific Research Project of Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality(14DZ1202802)
傅煜,王哲,臧鹏飞,孙晨乐 同济大学 新能源汽车工程中心上海 201804 
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摘要:针对直线起动发电一体机(ISG)/发动机系统中的二冲程直线发动机,搭建了GT-Power 一维简化模型,并对其换气系统关键结构参数包括扫气比时面值、排气比时面值和扫气箱容积进行仿真优化研究,从而改善换气品质,提高直线发动机性能。研究结果表明:经参数优化后的直线发动机扫气效率为88.15%,提高了1.58%;捕获率为59.38%,提高了28.81%;动力性和经济性也显著提升。
Abstract:A simplified one dimensional model was built by the GT-Power for the two-stroke linear engine of a linear integrated starter generator (ISG) power system. The key structural parameters of the engine scavenging system, specific time-area values of scavenge and exhaust as well as the volume of scavenging box, were simulated and optimized in order to improve scavenging quality and the linear engine performance. Results show that the scavenging efficiency of the optimized linear engine reaches 88.15% and the capture ratio 59.38%, 1.58% and 28.81% higher than those of the original respectively, the power performance and fuel economy are both obviously improved as well.
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