Experimental Investigation on Surge Margin Improvement for a Centrifugal Compressor with Casing
关键词:内燃机  离心压气机  扩稳  机匣处理  高压比  增压器
Key Words:IC engine  centrifugal compressor  surge margin improvement  casing treatment  high pressure ratio  turbocharger
李书奇,庄丽,侯琳琳,刘畅,张俊跃 中国北方发动机研究所 柴油机增压技术重点实验室天津 300400 
摘要点击次数: 3096
全文下载次数: 1795
Abstract:On a newly built turbocharger test rig with auto-control equipment, a study of surge margin improvement and its effect on performance was carried out with a newly developed centrifugal compressor with pressure ratio of 4.5∶1.0, from which the following conclusions were made. The baffler, a kind of casing, has surge margin improvement when the pressure ratio is 3.5 and above, with surge mass flow being decreased by up to 6.4% and stable flow range improved by 2 percent. The positive vane, another kind of casing, also has the function of surge margin improvement, especially when the pressure ratio is between 2.0 and 4.5, the surge mass flow can be decreased by 3.0% to 6.6%, but it reduces the efficiency by up to 3 percent. Reduction of the compressor volute A/Ras a similar way to decrease the surge mass flow when the pressure ratio is 4.5 and below, particularly when the pressure ratio is between 1.5 and 3.5 and A/R is decreased by 17%, the surge flow falls down by more than 10%. Reduction of the TRIM value of impeller can improve the surge margin and reduce the surge flow when the pressure ratio is 2.5 and plus, the higher the rotation speed, the greater the reduction of the surge flow; the decrease in flow can reach by up to 12% and the improvement of stable flow range by up to 4% when the TRIM changes from 52 to 48.
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