Experimental Investigation of the Needle Opening Pressure in High Pressure Double-Actuator Injection System
关键词:内燃机  高压双电磁阀喷油系统  开启压力  正交试验  喷油正时
Key Words:IC engine  the double-actuator injection system  needle opening pressure  orthogonal test  injection timing
安晓东* 北京理工大学 机械与车辆工程学院 646997978@qq.com 
刘兴华 北京理工大学 机械与车辆工程学院  
孙柏刚 北京理工大学 机械与车辆工程学院  
胡煦东 北京理工大学 机械与车辆工程学院  
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摘要:为了实现对高压双电磁阀喷油系统喷油开启压力的精确和高效控制,选择控制参数作为试验因子,采用正交试验设计和极差分析方法对开启压力变化进行台架试验。试验结果表明:喷油正时与供油正时凸轮转角差、喷油正时和曲轴转速对开启压力的影响程度依次减弱。开启压力随近似呈线性(斜率为k)增长,当喷油正时(以凸轮转角计)在61°~91°范围内,k随喷油正时的增大而增大;喷油正时在91°~101°范围内,k基本维持不变。开启压力随喷油正时增大到喷油临界正时(在分别为5°、10°和15°时,对应的喷油临界正时为71°、81°和91°)后,维持在小范围内波动。开启压力随曲轴转速的增加在小范围内波动,在曲轴临界转速 (喷油正时分别为61°、 81°和101°时,对应曲轴临界转速1800、 2000和1800r/min)时开始明显减小。
Abstract:In order to realize the accurate and efficient control on the needle opening pressure (NOP) of the electronic injector in a high pressure double-actuator injection system, choosing control parameters as the test factors, the orthogonal design and range analysis were adopted to carry out the bench test of NOP change. Experimental results show that the cam phase difference between fuel injection timing and fuel supply timing has the greatest effect on NOP, followed by the order of fuel injection timing and crankshaft speed. The NOP increases almost linearly (whose slope is k) with the cam phase difference. When the injection timing is in range of 61°to 91°CaA , k will increase with the fuel injection timing, and when the fuel injection timing is in the range of 91°to 101°CaA, k remains unchanged. When the fuel injection timing increases to a critical value, the NOP value will fluctuate within a small range. Moreover, the NOP fluctuates with the increase of the crankshaft speed, in a small range. When the crankshaft speed reaches a critical value, the NOP begins to reduce significantly.
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