王军,何涛,李超,唐炜,王兴华.双介质NTP反应器预氧化柴油机NO的试验研究[J].内燃机工程,2017,38(4):53-56. |
双介质NTP反应器预氧化柴油机NO的试验研究 |
Experimental Study on Oxidation of NO from Diesel Engine by Double-Dielectric NTP Reactor |
DOI: |
关键词:柴油机 低温等离子体 氮氧化物 氧化 |
Key Words:diesel engine non-thermal plasma NOx oxidation |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51306074);江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD);江苏大学高级专业人才科研启动基金项目(10JDG051) |
摘要点击次数: 2804 |
全文下载次数: 1754 |
摘要:建立双介质低温等离子体(NTP)反应器预氧化柴油机NO台架试验系统,研究了放电电压峰峰值Vp-p、放电频率、排气流量及负荷对NTP预氧化NO性能的影响。试验结果表明:2100r/min转速、0%负荷工况下,相同放电频率时,NO体积分数随Vp-p增大而先减小后增大,NO2体积分数随Vp-p增大而增大,NOx总量随Vp-p增大而先减小后增大;不同放电频率时均存在一个能使NO/NO2比例为1∶1的Vp-p临界值点。排气流量对NTP氧化NO性能影响不大。随着负荷的增大,NTP氧化NO的能力逐渐减弱,其中0%负荷和25%负荷时,NTP能使NO/NO2比例达到1∶1,协同选择性催化还原(SCR)系统可实现快速SCR反应,提高柴油机低温区间NOx的转化率。 |
Abstract:A test system using a reactor of double-dielectric non-thermal plasma(NTP) to pre-oxidize NO from diesel engine was established. The effects of discharge peak to peak voltage(Vp-p), discharge frequency, exhaust flow and engine load on the performance of NTP′s pre-oxidizing NO were studied. The results show that, under the working condition of 2 100 r/min engine speed and 0% engine load and with the same discharge frequency, the volume fraction of NO and the total NOx first decrease and then increase as the Vp-p increases; the volume fraction of NO2 increase with the Vp-p; among different discharge frequencies, there always exits a critical value of the Vp-p which can make the ratio of NO to NO2 be 1∶1. The exhaust flow has insignificant effect on the performance of NTP′s pre-oxidizing NO. The NTP ability to pre-oxidize NO weakens gradually with the increase of engine load. When the engine load is 0% and 25%, NTP can make the ratio of NO to NO2 reach 1∶1, which helps to speed SCR reaction, thus improving the conversion rate of NOxat low temperature. |
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