Physicochemical Properties and Spray Combustion Characteristics of Hydrated Ethanol Diesel Emulsions
关键词:内燃机  乳化燃料  理化特性  喷雾贯穿距  喷雾锥角  燃烧  定容燃烧弹
Key Words:IC engine  emulsified fuels  physicochemical properties  penetration  cone angle  combustion  constant volume combustion vessel
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51276115/E060702);科技部国际合作专项项目(2014DFG61320) National Natural Science Foundation of China (51276115/E060702) ; International Cooperation Project of Ministry of Science and Technology (2014DFG61320)
张小卿,李铁,郭涛,王斌,石奇,贺鹏飞 上海交通大学 海洋工程国家重点试验室上海 200240 
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摘要:试验使用不同配比的柴油含水乙醇乳化燃料,对其理化、喷雾和燃烧特性进行了研究。随着柴油含水乙醇乳化燃料中含水乙醇含量的增加,乳化燃料的密度和运动黏度上升,表面张力略微下降,初始蒸馏温度下降,含氧量升高,十六烷值和低热值降低。试验使用定容燃烧弹,在常温高压和高温高压环境下,对乳化燃料非蒸发喷雾、蒸发喷雾及喷雾燃烧的特性进行了测试。研究结果表明:随着乳化燃料中含水乙醇比例升高,非蒸发喷雾贯穿距和喷雾锥角变化不大;蒸发喷雾贯穿距和喷雾锥角略微减小,但无明显规律,而蒸发喷雾中液相贯穿距离明显增加;燃烧火焰自发光亮度逐渐降低,表征碳烟生成量逐渐减少;在900 K环境温度、21%氧体积分数条件下着火滞燃期变化不大。
Abstract:Hydrated ethanol diesel emulsified fuels with different mass fractions of water containing ethanol were prepared, and the physicochemical properties of the emulsified fuels were analyzed. With an increases in the mass fraction of hydrated ethanol, the density and kinematic viscosity of an emulsion increase slightly, the surface tension drops a little, the distilling temperature decreases in the initial stage, the oxygen content increase gradually, and the cetane number and lower heating value decrease. High pressure spray and combustion of each emulsified fuel injected into a constant volume combustion vessel at both room temperature and high temperature with non evaporating spray and evaporating spray was studied. There are little differences among the fuels in the penetration length and cone angle in the non-evaporating spray, while the fuel with higher hydrated ethanol content exhibits a little shorter penetration length and a little narrower cone angle in the evaporating spray with no obvious tendency. Liquid penetration length in the evaporating spray increases significantly with the increase of the hydrated ethanol fraction. The intensity of natural luminosity in spray and combustion decreases with the increase of the hydrated ethanol content, suggesting less soot in the spray flames, while the ignition delay is little changed with the increase of the hydrated ethanol content under the condition of 21% oxygen and 900 K ambient temperature.
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