Effect of Piston Parameters on Oil Consumption of Diesel Engine
关键词:内燃机  小型柴油机  活塞  动力学  机油耗
Key Words:IC engine  small diesel engine  piston  the dynamics  oil consumption
王建,孙永福,徐康,曾瑾瑾,刘胜吉,朱道庆 1.江苏大学 汽车与交通工程学院, 镇江 212013
2.浙江派尼尔科技股份有限公司金华 321016 
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摘要:利用AVL Boost软件获得燃气温度、传热系数等热力学数据,采用AVL Excite Piston & Rings软件建立活塞和活塞环组的动力学仿真模型,通过试验实测柴油机的机油耗验证了模型的准确性。对仿真模型进行数值分析,得出活塞火力岸的刮油和蒸发是缸内机油耗的主要产生因素。通过对配缸间隙、环岸间隙和活塞销偏移量进行数值模拟分析得出最优方案。优化后模拟计算刮油量比原机降低了64.9%,试验实测整机机油耗降低了35.86%。
Abstract:A dynamic simulation model of piston and piston rings based on a single cylinder diesel engine was built with AVL Excite Piston & Rings software and the thermodynamic data were obtained using AVL Boost software, including gas temperature and heat transfer coefficient. The accuracy of the model was verified by tested engine oil consumption. The numerical analysis of the simulation model reveals that oil scraping and oil evaporation at the top land are the main factors of engine oil consumption. An optimal solution was achieved by the numerical simulation of the piston skirt, piston ring land gap and piston pin offset. With these optimized parameters, the amount of oil scraping was reduced by 64.9% and the oil consumption by 35.86%.
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