Application and Research of HILOMOT in Diesel Engines Extremely Large Sample Test
关键词:内燃机  发动机优化  动态试验  数学建模  HILOMOT模型  DMT模型  试验设计
Key Words:IC engine  engine optimization  dynamic test  mathematical modeling  HILOMOT model  dynamic modeling toolbox model  design of experiment(DoE)
杜倩颖,倪计民,陈沁青,袁益禧 1.同济大学 汽车学院,上海 2018042.IAV GmbH公司,德国 柏林 10587 
摘要点击次数: 3339
全文下载次数: 1699
Abstract:Based on the dynamic test of a certain diesel engine, the fitting ability of a HILOMOT model to the extremely large sample data was studied (compared to the classical DMT model). Results show that in dealing with an extremely large sample size (75006 working points) such as diesel emissions targets (NOx, CO, THC and soot emissions), the HILOMOT′s error is reduced by an average of 27.7% (the maximum drop is 45.6% ), and the quality of its mathematical modeling is significantly better than that of the classical DMT model. Therefore, the HILOMOT model has some advantages in the field of engine research and development design with a large number of samples.
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