上官文斌, 杜晓泽, 聂均, 王小莉, 吴启红.发动机曲轴压入型橡胶扭转减振器鼓形与装配性能的优化[J].内燃机工程,2017,38(3):149-156.
Optimization of Drum-Shape Design and Assembly Performance of Rubber Torsional Vibration Absorber for Engine Crankshafts
关键词:压入型橡胶扭转减振器  鼓形设计  有限元仿真  正交试验  BP神经网络遗传算法
Key Words:compressed rubber torsional vibration absorber  drum-shape design  finite element simulation  orthogonal experiment
上官文斌, 杜晓泽, 聂均, 王小莉, 吴启红 1.华南理工大学 机械与汽车工程学院, 广州 5106402.宁波拓普集团股份有限公司, 宁波 315800 
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摘要:研究了压入型橡胶扭转减振器的鼓形设计方案和装配性能优化的方法。首先论述了压入型橡胶扭转减振器装配性能指标及其测试方法。基于有限元分析, 计算了压入型橡胶扭转减振器装配性能指标, 并与实测值进行对比验证。鼓形影响扭转减振器装配性能是一个多因素、多指标的试验问题, 利用正交试验分析方法, 对扭转减振器装配性能进行影响因素的分析。采用BP神经网络遗传算法, 对压入型橡胶扭转减振器鼓形进行优化设计, 将优化得到的结果和实测结果作对比分析, 最大相对误差小于10%。
Abstract:A method of optimizing the drum-shape design and assembly performance of a compressed rubber torsional vibration absorber(TVA) was presented. First, the criteria for assessing the assembly performance and the approaches to experiment the criteria were introduced. Then a calculation of the criteria using the finite element method(FEM) was developed. The results of the calculation were compared with the experimental ones to validate the developed calculation. Since the influence of the drum-shape of a TVA on its assembly performance has more than one factor, the orthogonal experiment is used to analyze the influence of each factor on the assembly performance. Finally, the method of optimizing the drum shape design and maximizing the assemble function of a TVA is proposed based on the BP neural network along with genetic algorithms. The optimized results are compared with the experimental ones, and the relative errors are within 10%, which validates the proposed method.
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