王斌, 姚安仁, 姚春德, 郭磊, 翁中正, 裴卡斯.柴油喷射压力对柴油/甲醇二元燃料发动机燃烧和排放影响的试验研究[J].内燃机工程,2017,38(3):23-28.
Effects of Diesel Injection Pressure on Combustion and Emission of a Diesel/Methanol Dual Fuel Engine
关键词:内燃机  电控共轨  柴油/甲醇二元燃料燃烧  柴油喷射压力  排放
Key Words:IC engine  electric controlled common rail  diesel/methanol dual fuel  diesel injection pressure  emissions
王斌, 姚安仁, 姚春德, 郭磊, 翁中正, 裴卡斯 1.天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室, 天津 3000722.中国重汽集团 技术中心动力设计院, 杭州 311231 
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摘要:在一台增压中冷电控共轨柴油机上, 研究了柴油喷射压力对柴油/甲醇二元燃料(DMDF)燃烧和排放特性的影响。研究表明:柴油喷射压力较低时, DMDF模式压缩冲程的缸压要低于纯柴油模式, 降幅随着甲醇替代率的增大而增大;而柴油喷射压力较高时, 降幅较小, 甲醇替代率为20%时的最大缸压要略高于纯柴油模式, 且对应的最大放热率明显高于纯柴油模式和甲醇替代率为40%时。DMDF模式的NOx排放量随着甲醇替代率的增加而降低, 相同替代率时随着柴油喷射压力的增加而增加。CO和总碳氢(THC)排放量随柴油喷射压力的增加略有降低, 随替代率的增加几乎线性增加。在低柴油喷射压力下, DMDF模式可以明显降低烟度, 且排放量随着替代率的增加而减小, 最多可减少约35%的碳烟排放。其他柴油喷射压力时, 烟度随着甲醇替代率的增加而基本保持不变。
Abstract:The effects of diesel fuel injection pressure on the combustion and emissions of a diesel/methanol dual fuel (DMDF) engine were studied on a turbocharged intercooled electronic-controlled common rail diesel engine. The results show that at lower diesel injection pressure, the cylinder pressure at the end of compression stroke in DMDF mode is lower than that in diesel mode, and it decreases considerably with the increase of methanol content in the dual fuel. However at higher injection pressure, the cylinder pressure reduction is smaller. The maximum cylinder pressure in DMDF mode with 20% of methanol is slightly higher than that in diesel mode, and the corresponding maximum heat release rate is significantly higher than that in diesel mode and that in DMDF mode with 40% of methanol. NOx emission in DMDF mode is reduced with an increase in methanol, but increased with a rise in diesel injection pressure when the methanol content remains constant. CO and THC emissions in DMDF mode are reduced slightly with the increase of diesel injection pressure, but increased almost linearly as methanol increases. At lower injection pressure, DMDF mode can reduce soot emission and can do more with the increase of methanol, the maximum reduction being up to about 35%. At other injection pressures, soot emission remains invariant with the increase of methanol.
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