万滨, 郝伟, 于秀敏, 祝遵祥, 冯朋朋, 董立冬.基于气道喷射的汽油机全负荷工况燃油喷射控制策略研究[J].内燃机工程,2017,38(3):74-80.
Research on Fuel Injection Control Strategy of Port Fuel Injection Gasoline Engine under Full-Load Conditions
关键词:内燃机  喷油策略  气道喷射  动力性能
Key Words:IC engine  fuel injection strategy  port fuel injection  power performance
万滨, 郝伟, 于秀敏, 祝遵祥, 冯朋朋, 董立冬 1.中国第一汽车股份有限公司技术中心 发动机部, 长春 130011
2.吉林大学 汽车仿真与控制国家重点实验室, 长春 130022 
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摘要:通过对一台气道喷射式汽油机应用模拟仿真方法, 研究了喷油器参数对混合气形成过程的影响;通过试验分析, 研究了不同燃油喷射时刻对全负荷工况下动力性与排放的影响。仿真与试验结果表明:喷油器改进设计后, 通过对喷油器喷雾角度、安装角度及安装位置的调整, 能够形成开阀喷射所需要的均质混合气;通过对燃油喷射时刻的寻优发现, 在全负荷工况, 转速为1 200~5 600 r/min下, 存在最佳开阀喷射的喷油结束角(EOI), EOI为 420°曲轴转角时, 发动机动力性与闭阀喷射相比能够提升了1%~2%, 且THC排放保持不变。而转速为6 000 r/min时, 闭阀喷射的动力性较佳。
Abstract:The effect of injector parameters on the mixture preparation process was investigated by using simulation on a port fuel injection engine. To this end the effect of fuel injection timing on power and emission characteristics under full-load condition was studied by experiments. Results show that by improving the injector design, homogeneous mixture required by open-valve injection can be produced by adjusting the injector’s spray cone angle, installation angle and installation position. Through the optimization of injection timing, a best end of injection (EOI) of the best open valve injection is discovered at full load conditions and at a speed of 1 200 r/min~5 600 r/min. When the EOI is 420°, the engine power is increased by 1%~2% compared with that of the closed valve injection, and total hydrocarbons(THC) emissions are almost not affected. While the closed-valve injection has better power performance at the speed of 6 000 r/min.
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