Observation of Fuel Injection Quantity Based on Characteristic Parameters of Instantaneous Rail Pressure Waveforms for Common Rail Diesel Engines
关键词:内燃机  柴油机  高压共轨  轨压  特征参数  喷油量观测
Key Words:IC engine  diesel engine  high pressure common rail  rail pressure  characteristic parameter  fuel injection quantity observation
凌健,谢辉 天津大学 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室天津 300072 
摘要点击次数: 2379
全文下载次数: 2000
Abstract:To precisely reveal the relation between fuel injection quantity and characteristic parameters defined from the fluctuation law of instantaneous rail pressure of high pressure common rail fuel injection system of diesel engines, a fuel injection quantity observation (IQO) method was proposed based on the characteristic parameters of instantaneous rail pressure waveforms. With this method, the instantaneous rail pressure waveforms were divided into a series of typical segments. Four characteristic points and four characteristic segments were defined to describe the instantaneous rail pressure fluctuation characteristics of each cylinder. And ten characteristic parameters were defined to evaluate the instantaneous rail pressure fluctuation characteristics in the fuel injection process of each cylinder. A database of the characteristics of rail pressure waveform groups was set up and the fluctuation law of the instantaneous rail pressure under different operating conditions was revealed by mean processing of the characteristic parameters of the instantaneous rail pressure fluctuation at every steady experimental operating point. An IQO model was established by the fuel continuity equations, and calibrated by the parameter identification and offline validation with the characteristics database of rail pressure waveform groups. The results show that the IQO model has simple structure and high observation accuracy and it lays a good foundation for further engineering application in electronic control unit (ECU).
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